Since we moved from Texas in the summer of 2016, I've really missed my crochet students. They are such a wonderful group of ladies and it was such a great excuse to get out of the house! The Army said it was time to go, though, so off we went back in an easterly direction again, the furthest east I've ever lived, in fact. I never really thought of the coast when I thought of Virginia, but we could easily take a day trip to the beach. Maybe that's something we'll get to do this summer with the baby.
Upon arrival, I went searching for local yarn stores (LYS) in addition to checking to see if the local Michaels stores had any crochet teacher openings. They did not. I was a little disappointed but decided I'd use this time to focus on pattern writing and filming Skillshare classes and tutorials (I swear, I'm going to have some of these ready to go soon!), which I've done okay at. Not as well as I was hoping with my sleep hating little monkey running around keeping me distracted and sleep deprived more often than not. But okay.
Imagine my excitement, though, when I wander into one of those yarn stores, just looking for a little fiber inspiration (I was looking for yarn to use for my tutorials intro background, actually) and the owner says, "Hey, you're the crochet teacher, right?" Yes! Yes, I am. I was tickled that she remembered and then even more tickled when she said she was looking to add some more classes to her calendar with a second teacher. Hot dog! Okay, I didn't actually say that, but I was tired enough that I probably thought it. It was also some combination of being tired and excited that made me forget to look for that tutorial yarn... oops.
Last week we met again and agreed on two kids and two adult classes and I could not be more excited about teaching again! Since then I've been busy working on a couple new patterns and reworking a couple old ones in new yarns from her shop, which is kind of fun to do! I've only actually published one of these patterns already, so we're looking at three new ones coming up soon! It's been just the motivation I needed to get back to work on new pattern releases.
I'm hoping to have classes on her calendar starting in March, so stay tuned for more info and watch my Instagram feed if you want to catch a sneak peek or two at the new patterns!
P.S. Isn't this yarn bowl I bought there just fabulous!? It was handmade by The Potter's Shop in Waukesha, WI.