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Tristan and Isolde: A Yarn Club Unboxing, Part 2

It's here, it's here, it's here! Shipment number two (of nine) in the Tristan and Isolde Yarn Club from Round Table Yarns!

Okay, so it arrived a few days ago, but between the baby feeling icky over his shots and him being enraged by his first molar breaking through... O.o Well, it took me a couple extra days to get to film the unboxing.

Did you miss Part 1? If so, check it out here. Because I'm wearing what I made with the yarn from the first shipment in this unboxing! Yay! I wasn't sure if I would have it done in time, but I finished it just a couple days before, so it was perfect. (get the Cosmos Flower Scarf pattern here!)

So let's get on with it, shall we!?

SPOILER ALERT! Picture of YARN below!






Morold is a truly sinister looking brownish purple skein of yarn in a new-to-me fiber called BFL (Bluefaced Leicester). Karen calls this base Cornwall and it is 100% superwash BFL wool. I'm really looking forward to trying out a new fiber!

Round Table Yarns Tristan and Isolde Yarn Club Morold

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