I've been on a minimalist kick with my nail art lately, in no small part due to the tiny dictator that rules my world now. But as I considered what simple, two toned sort of mundanity I was going to inflict on myself next, I realized that what I needed was some COLOR.
So I dug around in my polish drawer and selected half a dozen or so holographic beauties from Julep, most of which I'd splurged on a few months back and then only used one or two of. Typical.

But their time had arrived! Ah, all the holo goodness...
I was trying to decide if I could stand to let a holo ombre simply be a holo ombre... I knew the answer was no but I also knew that my last attempt at stamping was an abject failure and I couldn't handle that sort of thing tonight. Yeah, I know that sounds a bit dramatic, but I'm a bedraggled mommy of a sick, teething toddler. O.o
So I kept to the minimalist theme. Sort of. If you can call a five color holographic ombre minimalist! The only thing I added was three gold dots in a line on my ring fingers and thumbnails, though, so that's pretty good for me.
Et voilà :

I started with Seche Clear Crystal Clear Base Coat and a thin layer of Spencer. Then I did two layers of Dominique on my thumb, Eliza on my pointer, Alysha on the middle finger, one layer each of Adeline and Zori on my ring finger, and Pam on my pinky. All were topped with a single layer of Pretty Polished's Halo Top Coat to make sure they all had a few of the same shimmeries.
Finally, my minimalist additions were made with Spencer and my dotting tool and then everything was topped off with Seche Vive Instant Gel Effect Top Coat. My right hand dots are a tad bigger than my left hand dots, but they're not crazy wonky or super out of line, so that's nice. Practice, practice, right?